Install requirements for building WendzelNNTPd v2.0.3 from source on CentOS7

This is about the NNTP server from Steffen Wendzel.

I used this path: /usr/lib64/WendzelNNTPd-OSE  and the documentation says to use this path: /var/lib64/WendzelNNTPd-OSE.

Download the archive from github and decompress it to a path of your choice -- or -- even easier -- use a subversion client to get the files, like this:

# svn checkout 
You will need some packages before you can build from the source code.  The following command should give you ALL required packages for the Wendzel NNTP daemon on CentOS 7.

# sudo yum install make gcc subversion bison flex sqlite-devel
If you have any problems, use this command to determine which packages you are misisng:
# ./configure

If you just want to use SQLite3

Run this line from the WendzelNNTPd-OSE directory to avoid requirements for MySQL client libraries and MySQL client development tools:

# MYSQL=NO ./configure

Then run 

# make

# ls bin -l

That's it!!

Recap: Starting, Auto-start after reboot

from the manual:

# /usr/local/sbin/wendzelnntpd -d

or to send to background
# /usr/local/sbin/wendzelnntpd -d &

NB: Wendzelnttpd does NOT support chkconfig as of 23.May.2015.

Start, Stop, Restart...

Regarding the start-stop-parameter: There is one way to do this. The script scripts/startup/init.d_script allows you to stop, start, and restart the service. Under Ubuntu you can install it via:

sudo cp scripts/startup/init.d_script /etc/init.d/wendzelnntpd

And then use it via:
/etc/init.d/wendzelnntpd [start | stop | restart]


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